FURRY SEX: Cabaret

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a game by Furry Tails
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.7/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Visual Novel, Furry Games, Furry Porn Games, Games Like Banned from Equestria
FURRY SEX: Cabaret
FURRY SEX: Cabaret
FURRY SEX: Cabaret

I know that the subject matter of FURRY SEX: Cabaret is going to make it a game that you are either for or against, but I came into this with an open mind. I have never been into the whole furry thing if I am being honest. However, I sure as hell am not going to judge people who are. After all, I get a real kick out of sexy monster girls so really are furry’s really any different? Anyway, if this is the kind of thing you are into, you are probably going to get into this as it does feature some fantastic artwork.

Working In The Club

The story that FURRY SEX: Cabaret is telling is about these six characters who work at an after hours cabaret where pretty much anything goes. It says cabaret, but this place is really more like an anything goes sex club kind of place.

You get to spend a bit of time with each of the main characters, learn about them what they like, and so on. It is done well enough and I did care enough to want to see how the stories played out.

What Do The Numbers Mean?

Remember in the TV show Lost when the whole world was obsessed about what those numbers meant? Well, that has nothing to do with FURRY SEX: Cabaret, but numbers do play an important role in the gameplay of this game. I guess you would have to say that this is part visual novel and part puzzle game. You read the story and every now and again you have to do this number puzzle game. You click around this board trying to match the numbers.

I have to be honest here, I have no clue what the heck I am doing here. It feels like a middle ground between sudoku and Minesweeper. I just clicked around the board and eventually, it would say “victory” and more of the story would unfold. You get to pick which chapter you do, unlocking more girls as you go. You have eight chapters so there is a decent amount of content here.

My Kind Of Club

Visually I have to say that FURRY SEX: Cabaret is a good-looking game. Of course, if you find it good looking or not is going to greatly depend on if you are into this whole furry thing or not. I think that there is a decent variety to the main six characters and there is a fair bit of animation here.

Even during the visual novel parts, the characters sway and move which is better than them just standing still. As you progress through the game, you can see eight different sex scenes which is what you are really working towards.


I have to say that as a lewd game, FURRY SEX: Cabaret is offering quite a lot. I know the puzzle game is weird and easy, but I think it is a nice distraction and adds a little bit of variety to all the reading that you will be doing as you play the game. I went into this with very low expectations, but ended up seeing it all the way through. If you are into the whole furry thing then you can bump my score up by half a point, maybe even a whole point!


  • There are six main characters
  • You have eight chapters to play through
  • The visuals are very well done
  • There are eight animated sex scenes


  • You really have to like this kind of thing to get the best out of it
  • The number puzzle game is very easy, but it is not explained very well

Download FURRY SEX: Cabaret


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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