Yuppie Psycho

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a game by Baroque Decay
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Horror Games, 2D Platformer Games, Side Scrolling Games
Yuppie Psycho
Yuppie Psycho
Yuppie Psycho
Yuppie Psycho

If you like your videogames to come with a confusing tilt and style, and a bit of invention added in for good effect, you might wish to look into Yuppie Psycho. This 2019 release was developed by Baroque Decay, a fitting name for a developer creating games of intelligent craft and confusing, charming insight. If you are looking for a fun way to pass a few hours whilst sending more than a few shivers down the spine, read on.

Even corporations can be horrifying

The one thing to note about Yuppie Psycho is that while it is a horror game, it’s not a standard horror fare. You won’t spend all game running around petrified of some unknown evil, nor will you be dealing with jump scares. Instead, this is a pixel art horror game with some pretty horrifying ideas thrown in there that might realign what you believe to be ‘scary’.

Because in Yuppie Psycho, you’ll be finding that the most horrifying things in this world aren’t always the freakish things. Sometimes, our biggest fears are a whole lot more relatable and common. This game is about landing your role in your first ‘career’ job, working as part of a major corporation.

Take on Brian Pasternak, and start your first day of work at Sintracorp, the largest firm in this games world. However, the company itself is far more terrifying than you might assume; it’s a 10-story building from your nightmares.

Your (unknown) role in the company is to find the witch at the top of the company and take her down before it is too late. Players will find some similarities to other horror games, such as Oxenfree and Detention. It’s got an interesting enough dynamic, and the scares tend to come from the tension as much as the actual on-screen action. That, though, can sometimes be the best kind of horror!

In terms of gameplay, things move at a quick enough pace to keep you engaged but slow enough that you don’t feel out of place. Some of the things you come across are downright horrific, though it has to be said that the in-game art style, a standard 16-bit pixel design, does not carry off the horror of what you fight quite like the in-game art and portraits do.

Whacky fun with a few doses of fear scattered throughout

Sadly, it’s this pixel art that can remove some of the true horror that the player should feel when playing Yuppie Psycho. Is it funny? It can be. Is it scary? It can certainly become quite terrifying, indeed. The gameplay is challenging enough without leaving you feeling like you need to be an expert in everything as you play.

You’ll spend most of your time interacting with characters and running away from the monsters that litter the place, all the while avoiding dangerous hazards and eating plenty of foods to stay healthy enough to get to the end. It also uses some classic systems, such as a vintage save system that needs a cartridge of ink to use up your Witch Paper.


It’s little ideas like this that leave Yuppie Psycho an enjoyable enough ride – just don’t expect anything too groundbreaking or unique. Outside of the setting, most of the gameplay is your standard 16-bit horror fare.


  • Good cutscenes help to add to the atmosphere.
  • Inventive design and plot keeps things going.
  • Happy balance between puzzle solving and roper horror fun.
  • Atmosphere retains a sense of fear throughout due to sound quality.


  • Some features aren’t as fleshed out as one might like.
  • In-game graphical design can ruin the horror aesthetic outside cutscenes.

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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